miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013



"Kids who view violents acts are more likely to show aggressive behaviour but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad wil happen to them".



There is a question that is very important in the children nowadays, that is: "Videogames cause an impact in the children behaivour?". Some people think that some children are vulnerabl to be addicted to the game, and copy the actions of the games. Like GTA V, that is a very violent game, and is for people over the 18 years old (here in Chile).


1.- To much of something, is bad for your health. (Source: www.kidshealth.com)

2.- The abuse of videogames can affect other things of your life. (Source: www.kidshealth.com)


Some children in the world are afraid to how is the real life. And they want to stay at home watching the T.V or playing videogames. And parents don't have a control over his sons.

Children are used to view so much T.V, that they don't know how is the world. And then when the
children grow up, they are stick in a computer or in the T.V, and as a result, they are very shy, don't have friends, don't have a girlfriend and THEY DON'T HAVE A LIFE!. And the parents think that his sons are a very good children, that are not addict to the computer or the T.V.

As a conclusion, the parents have to take a control over his sons and raise well his sons, so for the future, have a very healthy and good sons.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


I will start this text stating my opinion about tatoos in the social, religous, artistic and historical topic.

Today, the people of high society are discriminating the people that has tatoos, but those people don't have knowledge about tatoos, becouse tatoos can have a religous meaning.

About the importance that tatoos have for religions. Wecan assure that in some religions they have a meaning that reveals the rank of the person or they can have a meaning for some achievment obteined in that culture, for example the Maori.

In this paragraph I will refer again about the social status. When the high society discriminates the people who have tatoos they are making a very huge mistake, because when people hage tatoos, they are not necesary a people who work badly or that they are a drug addicts.

The artistic way to see the tatoos, is not very popular, but is considered art. like the japonese guy that does tatoos as art, becouse he was practising the art for a long time.

Finally, most people in the world, consider that tatoos are for people of a lower clan. But in my opinion they are wrong

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

INTERVIEW (goalkeeper trainer)

1.- Why do you want to work here?

I want to work here because it is a job that I love and this would be a very good experience for the future.          Also I have enough experience in the job that I do and also all the players that I will have if you hire me, I will be very good with them. Also the salary is very good and is near from my house.

2.- What is your greatest accomplishment?

Well, my greatest accomplishment is that In the year 2008-09-10-11, I obtained the award of the best goalkeeper of all the tournament because I received two goals maximum, and then in 2012, I trained to all the goalkeepers in the academy of my school.

3.- What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?

I have three great strengths, one of the strength is that I am enthusiastic because I like to do activities and all the day do things relatives with the sports. Also I have another strength, and that strength is that I am very serious with all the people, I like to laugh and be very funny, but I am very serious in the occasions that I have to be serious. And finally I am very optimistic, because I like to train the players a lot for be above of all the other goalkeeper trainers. Like all the other people, I have a weakness, that I am intolerant, because I don't like the lazy people that do nothing for the team.

4.- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself in five years in Europe training the best goalkeeper like Casillas, Cech, Buffon, etc., and be a recognised trainer of goalkeepers around the world and winning awards like the best trainer of goalkeeper ever.

5.- Describe a difficult work situation and what you did to over come it...

In one occasion my boss was close to hire me because my grandfather die and I felt very sad about that, and I don't train the goalkeepers of the team very well, and in that time the goalkeepers received a lot of goals, but I overcame that tragedy and I started to train very well the goalkeepers, and my team won that tournament and the principal goalkeeper received the award of the best goalkeeper of the tournament.

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Letter (applying for a job)


General Manager
Sport Center
6 Pine Street, Arlington, USA.

Dear Mr. Uribe,

I'm writing this letter because I want to apply for thid job, because I think that this company is better than others companies, and this company give you a lot of experience, and I want to apply to goalkeeper trainorto have more experience than I have already. I found a summer job training all the goalkeepers of the academy of my school. I know about the company the enthernet show all what you need to knoe of this company.

Also I have work experience because of all the summer job that I do, and I also experience in the techniques of how train the goalkeeper, because the mision is to, obviusly, train the goalkeepers. And also I know that you want enthusiastic employers, and who have googd relations with other people. I want this job because the location is near from my house, and the salary is very good.

My availability is very flexible, from 9 am to 8 pm, and days from monday to saturday to meet you for an interview. Please call me at 45982376to schedule the interview or let me knowif I need anything else to completemy application. Thank you for your value time reading this letter.

Francisco Casasempere S.
6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333

domingo, 28 de julio de 2013


Francisco Casasempere S.
953 Las Golondrinas, Viña del Mar, Chile
Home: 2346173
Cell: 81907311
Email: casasempere.colo@gmail.com


To obtain new experiences to have more knowledge to work better everyday and have a better performance at work.


The Mackay School, all my life up to 18 years old, Adolfo Ibañez University, Industrial Engineering (6 years).


Child Care 2013: Provide child care of several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.


Trinity English Eexamination with distintion: 2012, level 0 ISO - 0.
Best goalkeeper: 2008 - 09 - 10 - 2012.

Volunteer Experience:

Member of Misioner of Viña del Mar.


Many sports like rugby, football, tennis, golf, ski in water and in snow, snowboard and wakeboard.
Guitar and drums.
Member of Schoenstatt.


Sports skill: Good in all the sports that I mentioned before.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013


1.- In paragraph 1, What do woman have to do to be successful ?

What the womans have to do to be successfull is to sell her bodies to advertisments.

2.- Between lines 30 and 45, What are the consequences of exposing images of thin women ?

The consequences to expose thin bodies is that their bodies are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet ads.

3.- What is your opinion about the Comment "how about wearing a sack"? in line 76. Why would actors suggest that there colleagues wear a sack ?.

My opinio  of the sentence is that not only the actors can us descent clother, also other persons, that have the money to buy a sack, can use it. 

4.- Between lines 80 and 100, Why and how was the magazine "New woman" innovative ?

The magazine "New woman" was innovative when they included a picture of a heavy-set model on its cover, it recieved a truckload of letters from grateful readers  praising the move.

5.- In section Self - Improvement or Self - Destruction, which of these words correspond to "a-b-c-d-e": Might help - to be - argues - concludes - compete.

The word that correspond is conclude.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013



The best way to solve a depression! (opinion piece)

The best way to solve depression, is with the traditional medicine, because, the other medicine, alternative medicine, is less reliable than the traditional medicine, but depend the person, depend the culture and all that things.

Before I said that the traditional medicine is better, because, for me is safer because has very well built machines, rather than the alternative medicine. All the doctorsthat are in the hospitals, has to pass the university and they must have a title as a doctor to start working in the hospital to curethe pacients that they have.

In the introductio I said that depending the culture and the way of thinking of the influence a lot to make the decision to take alternative medicine or traditional medicine. Also the alternative mdecine is very unsanitary, in must cases, and you can die trying that medicine.

Also in the research that I do with my classmates, say that practically, all the doctors recommend that to the persons that they have to go to the traditional medicine because is safer than the other medicine. I think that the persons that goes to the "doctors" of the alternative medicine, is because they are desperate and have nothing else to do, like the persons that have stomach pain have to eat a crude heart of hen, and in that moment I mean that the alternative id unsanitary.

In conclusion, I think that the traditional medicine is safer than the alternative medicine.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013



1) The characteristics of this illness is:you start with feeling sad and you think that all is bad and nothing you mind you can start thinking different  your behaviour is very difficult to contain because these going thought a bad moment in your life you start with the suicidal thinking and this is when you think in the death and can you die for this think because you can kill some friends or yourself so this need a good and delicate therapy.

2) Serotonin has a lot of function in the human body, but the main idea of the serotonin is to send message to specific parts from the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an intricate role in the way a person eats, sleeps and behaves. When the level of serotonin in the brain is changed, a      persons behaviour will also be altered. At times, the events in our lives will take a toll on serotonin levels, so when a person becomes sad, the body will start to use more serotonin to promote happy feelings.    

3) Most of the persons that have depression feel sad, lonely, or depressed at times. And feeling depressed is a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or an injured self-esteem. But when these feelings become overwhelming and last for long periods of time, they can keep you from leading a normal, active life. That's when it's time to see a doctor for ask him help to control this situation to be a normal person again.

4) The first step of a treatment in the depression is an medic exam, there is a physic exam, a interview with the patient, a lab analysis and maybe a physiology analysis. The psychiatrist  can resets drugs depending in the symptom of the patient.
There are many antidepressant medications, this includes the inhibitors of SSRI: In this type of medication are the CITALOPRAM, ESCITALOPRAM, FLOUXETIN, PAROXETIN AND SERTRALIN. In this type of drugs you will have for two weeks problems to sleep, anxiety, fatigue etc... The most of the people feelbetter in 6 weeks after the treatment.
Also there are alternative medicine for the depression like some flowers, fruits or chocolate.
The Pros of of a therapy of depression are: Better Sleep, a better love life,  better memory, in conclusion  a better lifestyle .

The Cons of this are a very variety of secondary effects like nausea, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue or migraine.

5) The possibilities of recovery are much but depends of you because you need to stay good mental and psychologic.The client have a lot of possibilities like therapies and remedies to help you and your family also if your situation is bad but very bad the doctor can get you a clinic to help for your health.
They are different types of doctors like psychologists or therapists but the objets of the doctor is to help so don't worry but be intelligent selecting the type of medicine.

6) The patient can take different medicine like syrups or take pills and can do  psychological treatments
or therapies with psychologists other way is talking with people that is with depression too,if the problem is very difficult to treat the medic recommend pills very stronger and the way that the person think that is good is the drug or simply the death but this is a terminal case the doctor have a lot of theories to stop this depression.

7) The costs of this depend on the seriousness and the pills that you need the therapies and the syrups some pills are from others countries and is difficult get it because is very expensive.Other cost is the mental cost because the repercussion can e difficult to improve and leave behind also is difficult to treat.Other cost is the fisical cost  because you can die for the depression or with serious problems to your health because you can do thinks that you never minded.

8) Chile is one of the countries with more depression in the world, the chilean health its a mixture of private-public system, the public system provides the 70% of the population.
Not as USA that the health system is for all the same so there are more facilities to the people.
But in both countries are the medications appropriates to recovery.
Both countries have their specific programs of health and professional medicine with their specific programs, remedies, psychotherapies and brain stimulation therapies.(only 6 lines)

9) One testimonies of the clients is the testimonie of Paulo Garcia he said: "this is one f the best clinic of traditional medicine because have a very good attention the have one of the best tecnologies that have chile and they have a cost very economic and wit a very good issures to your safety life and have a certified doctors to a best attention and is a safety and clean clinic .I think that is a good clinic to you and to your family. 

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013



1, A) MDMA is an empathogenic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine classes of drugs. MDMA was early know like "ecstasy" and take a form of a pill, because was easier to consume that drug. The term "molly" or "mandy" colloquially refers to MDMA in powder or crystalline form, usually implying a higher level of purity. 

What effects does this drug produce in people?

2, A) The effects that have the ecstasy are two types: 
           - Psychological: -Anxiety and paranoia
                                   -Irritability, Depresion, Fatigue, Impaired attention, focus and       
                                            - Fatigue,  Residual feelings of empathy, emotional sensitivity, and                           
                                     a sense of closeness to others.
           - Physiological:   -Dizziness, lightheadedness, or vertigo. 
                                   -Loss of appetite.                                                  
                                            -Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as diarrhea or       
                                   -Insomnia. Aches and pains, usually from
                                    excessive physical activity. And finally, exhaustion.

The others will do it diego sir

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


   The traditional medicine, for my opinion, is safer than the alternative medicine.

   Traditional medicine is very good because is safer, but has a problem, it is a lot more expensive than alternative medicine because, obviously, all the subjects that the traditional medicine has are related with machines that are very expensive. And all the remedies are chemical products that are also very expensive.

   The alternative medicine is very bad and it is an error to use it. Firstly, you can consume drugs and get high, when you don’t want to get high. Also, you can eat weird subjects that can be very awful for your stomach. And you can get ill.

   My nation has a different culture and we use the traditional medicine because we feel safer with that medicine. We feel safer with that medicine because, we are using that medicine for a very long time, and obviously if you are using a subject for a long time, you will feel safer with that subject.

     Other cultures have the idea that the alternative medicine is better because for that type of person, the animals or the nature are sacred. Like in India, most of the animals in that place are sacred. And if you go to that place, you can’t eat cow meat because it is sacred.

  In conclusion, I think that the traditional medicine is safer than all the medicine that is in the world.