viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

The best way to solve a depression! (opinion piece)

The best way to solve depression, is with the traditional medicine, because, the other medicine, alternative medicine, is less reliable than the traditional medicine, but depend the person, depend the culture and all that things.

Before I said that the traditional medicine is better, because, for me is safer because has very well built machines, rather than the alternative medicine. All the doctorsthat are in the hospitals, has to pass the university and they must have a title as a doctor to start working in the hospital to curethe pacients that they have.

In the introductio I said that depending the culture and the way of thinking of the influence a lot to make the decision to take alternative medicine or traditional medicine. Also the alternative mdecine is very unsanitary, in must cases, and you can die trying that medicine.

Also in the research that I do with my classmates, say that practically, all the doctors recommend that to the persons that they have to go to the traditional medicine because is safer than the other medicine. I think that the persons that goes to the "doctors" of the alternative medicine, is because they are desperate and have nothing else to do, like the persons that have stomach pain have to eat a crude heart of hen, and in that moment I mean that the alternative id unsanitary.

In conclusion, I think that the traditional medicine is safer than the alternative medicine.

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