martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


I will start this text stating my opinion about tatoos in the social, religous, artistic and historical topic.

Today, the people of high society are discriminating the people that has tatoos, but those people don't have knowledge about tatoos, becouse tatoos can have a religous meaning.

About the importance that tatoos have for religions. Wecan assure that in some religions they have a meaning that reveals the rank of the person or they can have a meaning for some achievment obteined in that culture, for example the Maori.

In this paragraph I will refer again about the social status. When the high society discriminates the people who have tatoos they are making a very huge mistake, because when people hage tatoos, they are not necesary a people who work badly or that they are a drug addicts.

The artistic way to see the tatoos, is not very popular, but is considered art. like the japonese guy that does tatoos as art, becouse he was practising the art for a long time.

Finally, most people in the world, consider that tatoos are for people of a lower clan. But in my opinion they are wrong